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Comprehensive Health History

Kindly complete the health history form. Old injuries, chronic problems and your present symptoms are recorded. Members of our staff are always available for a complete and thorough discussion. Please download, complete and bring it to your first visit to save time.

Chiropractic Consultation

You will meet the Doctor and his technical assistant(s) to discuss your health issues and determine how they can be improved and potentially corrected through Chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Examination

Physical, orthopaedic, neurological, postural, foot gait analysis and chiropractic testing will be performed to determine the cause(s) of your health issues.

Report of Findings

You are seen either the following day or two days after your initial exam at a time that is convenient for you, whereby a review of the findings of the examination and x-rays will take place. Everything is explained in great detail in order for you to completely understand your specific case. The doctor will also make treatment recommendations that best address your needs.

Spinal Imaging

Where necessary, views will be taken to visualize the location of any spinal problems with our on-site state of the art x-ray facility.

Plan of Management

A Financial Plan will be discussed with you on this visit to fully explain the fees and ways to save on your Chiropractic Care. Following your decision, you will then be provided with your first Chiropractic adjustment.

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